Data Action Mini Grants

Middlebury Public Library - award grant to connect with Community and local Boys & Girls Club

CAPS - awarded funds for Darkness to Light training.

CAPS - received funding to support the delivery of Parents Cafe.

Maple City Chapel - was awarded funds to start 3 new support groups for families and kids, focusing helping families through grief, divorce and navigating shared families.

CAPS - awarded mini grant to train an additional Darkness to Light trainer to expand local trainings on child abuse and prevention.

Bashor - received funding to implement Trust Based Relational Intervention.

The Salvation Army Elkhart - was awarded funds to support disaster relief by creating Child Disaster Support Kits and purchasing needed items for family stability after a disaster.

YWCA of North Central Indiana - received funding to implement Trust Based Relational Intervention.

HEA - received funding to train Leah Plank in Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences, an evidence based program that seeks to equip service providers with the ability to promote resiliency.

Child and Parent Services - received funding to implement Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)

Babies Basic Needs Corp - received funds to conduct an outreach campaign in Elkhart County.