Data Action Mini Grants

All Pro Dad - awarded funds to design/produce promotional materials for outreach. The SOURCE staff assisted with designing materials.

The Village Community Center - awarded funds to facilitate transportation options for participants.

Girls on the Run - was awarded funding to help increase volunteerism and provide appreciation gifts for volunteers.

Boys & Girls Club - received funding to create a transition program for youth aging out of current programming.

Ignite Infinity - awarded funds to start an after school program called the Warrior Kid, a character and values building after school program for 4th and 5th graders.

Boys & Girls Club - was awarded funds to create sensory rooms and train staff in Trust Based Relational Intervention, an evidence based tool to engage children and youth.

Big Brothers Big Sisters - received funding to purchase technology to make participant and mentor enrollments easier, and to fund mentor appreciation events.

Lifeline Youth Ministries - was awarded a mini grant to train staff in Trust Based Relational Intervention.

Lifeline Youth Ministries - awarded funds to create events and provide resources for children and youth, based in Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI).

Boys & Girls Club - awarded funds for parent engagement events that will complement the Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) framework.

The Post - was awarded funding to purchase new curriculum for their after school program.