In-School Arrests
Why we track this indicator
Exposure to school and law enforcement security have a significant effect on the student's experience in suspensions, expulsions, and future arrests significantly impacting their ability to be resilient. Furthermore, studies have shown that arrests and court appearances dropout rates which limits the student's attainment ability.
In-School Arrests Data Breakdown
Status: Gray
Definition: The Indiana Department of Education determines school related arrests as the number of arrests per 1,000 enrolled students. Data is provided on a yearly basis. This information is obtained through publicly available data.
Source: Indiana Department of Education
Last Updated: September 2023
Mitigating Factors: 2021/2022 data not yet located.
Methodology: In-School Arrests is calculated as the total number of incidents per 1,000 students. This information is an average rate from all 7 school districts in Elkhart County (Baugo, Concord, Fairfield, Goshen, Middlebury, Elkhart, Wa-Nee Community Schools) and is then compared to the state reported rate.
Goal: To be lower than the state of Indiana’s rate per 1,000.
Traffic Light:
Green: at least 1% lower compared to Indiana
Gray: within +/- 1% of compared to Indiana
Red: at least 1% higher compared to Indiana
Supporting Research

Related Indicators
Click to see more data trends related to In-School Arrests
Baugo Community Schools
Baugo Community Schools seeks “to sustain our community by improving our schools in four areas: 1). authentic student, family, and community engagement, 2). powerful teaching and learning, 3). expanded student supports, [and] 4). family and community partnerships.”
Elkhart Community Schools
Elkhart Community Schools is a district that serves approximately 13,000 students, and is known for high-quality programs, exceptional teachers, superior learning environments, and strong parental and community support.
Wa-Nee Community Schools
Wa-Nee Community Schools prepares students to be adaptable individuals with the life and educational skills necessary to become responsible and ethical citizens.

Indicators in Action
The ‘Data Action Mini Grant’ program will provide low barrier grants to collaborating partners which will help increase cross-system collaboration and facilitate the community response to needs and/or gaps identified through the Elkhart County Child Dashboard. Applicants may request up to $2,000. Two or more applicants can collaborate for collaborative action based upon one or more data indicators and increase the grant request. By leveraging the ‘Data Action Mini Grant’ program partners can have a platform that helps to inform community goals and creates a stronger sustainability platform for their programs.
For a copy of the 1-page proposal template click here or email David Wiegner.