Active Probation Cases

Why we track this indicator

Formal involvement with the justice system, such as probation, is known to adversely affect key determinants of health for children and young adults creating additional barriers to education, employment, and other health related outcomes.


Source: Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI)

Active Probation Cases Data Breakdown

Status: Green

Definition: Active probation cases are the total number of youth on formal and informal probation each month in Elkhart County. Youth are placed on informal or formal probation after the referral or petition is reviewed by Court Services, Prosecutor's office, magistrate office, and JDAI coordinator. Informal probation is utilized when rehabilitation services are needed but the reviewing team does not identify a need for formal court intervention. Formal probation is utilized when rehabilitation services are needed and formal court intervention is necessary for the services to be completed. This information is obtained through a collaborating partner.

Source: Indiana Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI)

Last Updated: January 2025

Mitigating Factors: None reported


Methodology: Total active probation cases each quarter is compared to the previous quarter.

Goal: To observe fewer active probation cases each quarter.

Traffic Light:

Green: at least 1% lower compared to the previous quarter

Gray: within +/- 1% of compared to the previous quarter

Red: at least 1% higher compared to the previous quarter


Supporting Research

Reduce the rate of minors and young adults committing violent crimes – AH-10

Adolescents who enter the juvenile justice system often have trouble in school—and they’re more likely to have mental health and substance use disorders.

A Bridge Between Youth on Probation and the Healthcare System

Hospital-based, violence intervention programs (HVIPs) are critical to effectively curbing the violence epidemic ravaging the United States.

Incarceration Prevention and Community Reintegration

Incarceration prevention and community reintegration approaches aim to address social determinants of health (SDOH).

Trauma among Chicago’s Court-Involved Youth

Juvenile justice (JJ) populations experience high levels of trauma that have been found to impact their capacity to access healthcare and lead healthy lives.

Team Indiana: Health Impacts of Mass Incarceration

Video: The research team is investigating the impact of mass incarceration on the social, emotional, and developmental health and long-term health equity of Indiana's young children

Related Indicators

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Indicators in Action

The ‘Data Action Mini Grant’ program will provide low barrier grants to collaborating partners which will help increase cross-system collaboration and facilitate the community response to needs and/or gaps identified through the Elkhart County Child Dashboard. Applicants may request up to $2,000. Two or more applicants can collaborate for collaborative action based upon one or more data indicators and increase the grant request. By leveraging the ‘Data Action Mini Grant’ program partners can have a platform that helps to inform community goals and creates a stronger sustainability platform for their programs.

For a copy of the 1-page proposal template click here or email David Wiegner.

We want to hear from you.