High Mental Health Needs
Why we track this indicator
Youth with high level mental health needs indicates an urgent need for access to and utilization of high quality and affordable mental health services for this population. In addition, this can also point to an increased urgency to prioritize prevention and early intervention services to address mental health needs in youth long before the needs escalate.
High Mental Health Needs Data Breakdown
Status: Red
Definition: Youth ages 5 to 17 that pose a high safety risk and require intensive mental health services according to the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment tool. CANS is a multipurpose tool developed to support care planning and level of care decision-making. Oaklawn uses a level of mental health services needed of 5 or 6 to determine high safety risk. This information is obtained through a collaborating partner.
Source: Oaklawn Psychiatric Center
Last Updated: January 2025
Mitigating Factors: Oaklawn is no longer administering the CANS to most youth, so percentage of high risk youth is larger than usual. We are looking for a new way to reflect youth mental health needs.
Methodology: Percent of children and youth scoring 5 or 6 on the CANS intake assessment out of the total CANS assessments each quarter. The current quarter’s percent is then compared to the previous quarters percentage. The observed difference between percentages is used as the trend.
Goal: To observe a lower percentage of children and youth scoring 5 or 6 on CANS assessment than the previous quarter.
Traffic Light:
Green: at least 1% lower compared to previous quarter
Gray: within +/- 1% compared to previous quarter
Red: at least 1% higher compared to previous quarter
Supporting Research
The Association Between Child and Youth Mental Health Service Urgency and Exposure to Childhood Interpersonal Trauma
Children/youth with a history of maltreatment experience a variety of different developmental, psychiatric and health problems and ensuring there is streamline access to services is imperative to their recovery.

Related Indicators
Click to see more data trends related to High Mental Health Needs
Oaklawn is the leading provider of mental health and addiction services in Elkhart and St. Joseph counties. Our specialized services range from skills training and case management to outpatient therapy and inpatient care.

Indicators in Action
The ‘Data Action Mini Grant’ program will provide low barrier grants to collaborating partners which will help increase cross-system collaboration and facilitate the community response to needs and/or gaps identified through the Elkhart County Child Dashboard. Applicants may request up to $2,000. Two or more applicants can collaborate for collaborative action based upon one or more data indicators and increase the grant request. By leveraging the ‘Data Action Mini Grant’ program partners can have a platform that helps to inform community goals and creates a stronger sustainability platform for their programs.
For a copy of the 1-page proposal template click here or email David Wiegner.