Abuse and Neglect Allegations

Why we track this indicator

Allegations of child abuse and neglect may be experienced during times of high parenting or economic stress. This could be indicative of a lack of family support or connection to their surrounding community.

Source: Indiana Department of Child Services


Abuse and Neglect Allegations Data Breakdown

Status: Green

Definition: Total number of substantiated reports of physical abuse and neglect in Elkhart County. Information is reported by the Indiana Department of Child Services, based on MaGIK Monthly Data (Management Gateway for Indiana's Kids). This information is obtained through publicly available data.

Source: Department of Child Services (DCS)

Last Updated: January 2025

Reported Mitigating Factors: None Reported


Methodology: The total number of substantiated physical and/or neglect cases in Region 3 (Elkhart County) is compared to the previous quarter.

Goal: to have fewer substantiated cases.

Traffic Light:

Green: at least 1 case fewer compared to previous quarter

Gray: within +/- 1 case of compared to previous quarter

Red: at least 1 case higher compared to previous quarter


Supporting Research

Child Maltreatment during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Job loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic presents significant risk for child abuse.

Social determinants of health and child maltreatment: a systematic review

The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the association of Social Determinants of Health with child maltreatment.

Supporting Child Welfare & Child Health Collaboration

Video: Interdisciplinary Research Leaders discussing ways that healthcare provides can help with reporting neglect and abuse.

Promoting Safe, Stable, and Nurturing Relationships

Flyer discussing the CDC’s role in preventing abuse and neglect experiences.

Trauma in Childhood Can Harm Health for a Lifetime: Study

As if suffering through a childhood trauma weren't enough, new research suggests it might raise the risk of poor mental and physical health later in life.

Related Indicators

Click to see more data trends related to Abuse and Neglect Allegations

Indiana Department of Child Services

The Indiana Department of Child Services leads the state’s response to allegations of child abuse and neglect and facilitates child support payments.

Indicators in Action

The ‘Data Action Mini Grant’ program will provide low barrier grants to collaborating partners which will help increase cross-system collaboration and facilitate the community response to needs and/or gaps identified through the Elkhart County Child Dashboard. Applicants may request up to $2,000. Two or more applicants can collaborate for collaborative action based upon one or more data indicators and increase the grant request. By leveraging the ‘Data Action Mini Grant’ program partners can have a platform that helps to inform community goals and creates a stronger sustainability platform for their programs.

For a copy of the 1-page proposal template click here or email David Wiegner.

We want to hear from you.